Poster Session
Call for Scientific Poster Abstracts is Open!
NEI invites all scientific professionals in the mental healthcare field to submit an abstract for presentation at the annual NEI Spring Congress Scientific Poster Session.
Pharmaceutical companies may only submit two posters for our morning scientific poster session. If you would like to submit more, please reach out to Gabby Chevalier at for a sponsorship opportunity during the industry poster reception on the evening of May 9.
We will NOT accept virtual presentations. You must be attending Spring Congress and plan to present your poster during the scheduled Scientific Poster Session on May 9, 2025 in order for your abstract to be accepted and published.
All accepted and presented posters will have their abstracts published online on the NEI Virtual Poster Library site. In addition, your DOI will be added to CNS Spectrums.
Poster presenters must be registered for Spring Congress or purchase a Poster Presenter pass.