nei scientific poster session
abstract submission form

* = required

Contact Information

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Presenters Information


Abstract Information

Select the editor to use.

You need to upload the abstract as a Word file. This is required. Please include your title, authors, and abstract in your Word document.

Upload Abstract as Word Document

Publication in CNS Spectrums

Accepted abstracts will be submitted for publication to CNS Spectrums—an indexed, peer-reviewed scholarly journal. Abstracts with extensive copy editing errors will not be eligible for publication, given the integrity of the journal and the Neuroscience Education Institute.

Do not publish my abstract in CNS Spectrums

Upload the final version of your poster as a PDF file. Please do not upload PowerPoint presentation files.

Upload Files


As the Presenting Author, please indicate your understanding of and willingness to comply with each statement below.

I certify that the information I have provided is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that relevant financial relationships with any commercial company whose products I may discuss in my education activity must be disclosed prior to presenting at NEI Congress and will be listed in materials for the activity.*

Attestation Form

As the Presenting Author, please indicate your understanding of and willingness to comply with each statement below.

I verify that prior to the education activity I have requested and/or obtained permission from copyright holder(s) to reproduce/copy, from their work, the portions of my education activity that are protected by copyright laws. I acknowledge that the Neuroscience Education Institute will not be held legally responsible for any misrepresentation on my part regarding copyright infringement.*

If presenting specific patient cases or case histories, I warrant that I have HIPAA compliant authorization for any PHI (Protected Health Information) in the education activity materials or have de-identified all materials.*

I understand that the Neuroscience Education Institute or its designees may need to review my presentation and/or content prior to the activity, and I will provide educational content and resources in advance as requested.*

By submitting the abstract and PDF poster copy the authors consent to have the information published online at*

I have carefully read and considered each item in all forms and have completed them to the best of my ability. I attest that the completed information is accurate. Please accept this as my signature.*