Encore Presentations
CME Credit
314 Results

Partners in Care: Optimizing Quality of Life for Patients with Dementia and Those Who Care for Them

Leslie Citrome, MD, MPH CME credit: 0.50

What's Gut Got to Do With It? Exploring the Role of Metabolic Factors in Mood, Cognition, and Healthy Aging

Roger McIntyre, MD, FRCPC CME credit: 0.75

A Dream Come True: The Current Landscape of Prevention and Disease-Modifying Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease

Dani Cabral, MD CME credit: 0.50

In the Eye of the Beholder: Amazing Advances in the Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Pathology

Dani Cabral, MD CME credit: 1.00

A.D.H.D., Easy as 1-2-3? Practical Tips for Managing ADHD in Pediatric Patients

Timothy E Wilens, MD CME credit: 1.00

Panic On the Playground! Managing Social Anxiety in Pediatric Patients

Katherine K Dahlsgaard, PhD, ABPP; Jeffrey R Strawn, MD CME credit: 1.00

Don’t Trip! Making an Accurate Diagnosis in Pediatric Psychiatry is Always the First Step

Adelaide S Robb, MD CME credit: 1.00

Meet Me at the Water Cooler: Schizophrenia

Leslie Citrome, MD, MPH; Jonathan M Meyer, MD CME credit: 0.25

Meet Me at the Water Cooler: Mood Disorders

Roger McIntyre, MD, FRCPC; Manpreet K Singh, MD, MS CME credit: 0.25

How, When, and Why…or Why Not? Antidepressants in Pediatric Mental Health Care

Jeffrey R Strawn, MD CME credit: 1.00

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