Shipping and Returns

International Orders

There may be an additional charge applied to orders shipped to addresses outside of the United States. For details, please contact Customer Service.

Product Return Policy

You may return new, unopened items sold and fulfilled by NEI within 30 days of purchase for a full refund. A restocking fee of 15% will be incurred for products if it is determined that the item has been opened. In the event of a return, you are responsible for the shipping costs associated with getting the product back to us. We recommend using a carrier that issues a tracking number in order to verify delivery. If the return is a result of our error, we'll pay the shipping cost associated with correcting the error.

Any request for a refund must be submitted in writing to Customer Service at within 30 days of purchase.

Once the return is authorized by Customer Service, you can mail the product with all of the original product packaging to:

Neuroscience Education Institute
Attn: Customer Service - Returns
1930 Palomar Point Way, Suite 101
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Telephone: +1 888-535-5600